Saturday, 8 November 2014

Marion's Memory Quilt

Two super quilts arrived from Anne in Walsall, who sent them on behalf of their makers... her friend's Mum, Marion  and her friend's cousin Lynne. 
Many thanks ladies.
Marion was 90 when she made her quilt and, sadly, she died shortly after she finished it so it is quite a special treasure for it to be donated in her memory. Sincere thanks to her family for sending it and also sincerest sympathy. Such a lovely gesture which will bring some joy to a little child during their treatment.
No 99
The bag shows the wonderful kitten illustrations which are also in the quilt.
Here we have lots of playful teddies all over this fun quilt.
No 98

Bravery Bead Bags
When I took these super bravery bead bags into the unit, they were received with great glee as they had just run out of them. 
Thanks so much to Tilly in Leigh, who stitched and lined them beautifully, in such super fabrics. 
I'll have to get cracking and make some more soon as I'm sure these will all be given out pretty soon.
Eddie, of CHICS the cancer care and support group, told me that one of the parents had raised enough funds to provide the Bravery Beads for all of the children for a whole year!