Tilly personally delivered 3 super quilts on Saturday whilst I was doing a demonstration day at Cardio Shop in Wigan and caused quite a sensation when some of the other ladies saw them. Two new ladies even offered to make a LilyBo Quilt and in return for all the crafty items (including some chocky mini eggs) which I gave out as I demonstrated, and various instruction leaflets and templates, I received generous donations for CHICS totalling over £53 from all of the lovely customers.
Tilly made two baby quilts from the sweetest fabric which had tiny babies in pea pods printed on it.
This green one is quilt
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The fabric design can be seen in detail on the tote bag with the cute little ted peeking out of the pocket.

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also has the pea pods fabric with pink panels for a little girl
and Hello Kitty fits nicely as a little pocket surprise.
For a slightly bigger quilt, Tilly has used pink and blue with butterflies, stripes, and spots.
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You can see the cosy pink fleece backing
It was so lovely to meet up with Tilly for the first time and we got on so well that I'm sure we'll get together again before long. She came with her friend Sue and they initially expected to just pop in to deliver the quilts but ended up in the shop staying for 4 hours, watching my demonstrations, having a coffee and a chat and buying up half of the shop!
Jo (me) and Tilly